{{header.totalBalanceLabel}} : {{header.userData.UserPaymentDetails.TotalBalance|currency:"$":2}} The total amount you owe to the hospital(s) and clinic(s)
Balance Requiring Action : {{header.userData.UserPaymentDetails.BalanceRequiringAction|currency:"$":2}} The amount you owe to the hospital(s) and clinic(s) net of any payment arrangements already made with the facility.
Scheduled Payments : {{header.userData.UserPaymentDetails.ScheduledPayments|currency:"$":2}} The amount you owe to the hospital(s) and clinic(s) which is scheduled for future payments per the payment arrangements already made with the facility.
You have agreed to make monthly payments on negotiated payment arrangements. Do you want to make a payment against these now?
Pay Arrangement AmountYou have other accounts with balance.Do you want to make a payment against these now?
Make a Payment